
An Assembly of Ibusa Sons and Daughters who are dedicated to the cause of unity, social, economic and general development of Ibusa.

Aims and Objectives of ISCI (Worldwide)

  • To foster unity and understanding amongst members, through coordination and interaction.
  • To bring ideas for the purposes of unity and development.
  • To establish a platform for the promotion of the welfare, culture and social development of members.
  • To encourage the spirit of oneness amongst members and foster the good image of the Club.
  • To assist in all possible ways and encourage the progress, welfare and development of IBUSA.
  • To affiliate with other Social Clubs for progressive development.



  1. Membership of the Club is open to gainfully employed Sons/Daughters of Ibusa, subject to the conditions in 1 – 11 of the Club’s Constitution.
  2. The applicant must show evidence of belonging to his/her Ogbe Union and ICDU.
  3. Membership shall be strictly by application.
  4. Application(s) for membership shall be screened by the Admissions Committee and make necessary recommendations to the Club.
  5. Admission approval shall rest on the Club at a general meeting.
  6. The duration for consideration of an application shall not exceed two months for the Admission Committee, and additional one month for NEC’s ratification.
  7. Until an admission is ratified by NEC, such admission at Branch level shall remain provisional.
…further information can be found in the Club’s Constitution or get in touch.

O chukwu onye onyinye dalu ma ka ta'ta
Isunambogu kpoku yi ki nonyelu anyi.

Ugo nu o! Ibe!!

The Club Anthem

Exco Members

Chief Tony Uwajeh
Director General
Mr. Ike Okonta
Deputy Director General
Dr. Edwin Ugoh
Chief Scribe
Chukwuka John Efozia, Esq.
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Mr. Emmanuel King
Director of Finance
Mr. Chuks Ejoh
Director of Social & Welfare
Dr. Patrick Justus
Chief Provost
Mr. Joseph Ashibogu
Assist. Chief Scribe